Brothers and Sisters,
We are aware that in our country there has been increasing awareness and activity regarding Covid-19, both regarding the virus itself and the right precautionary measures that people can and should be taking in response to the spread of the virus. We appreciate that it’s the duty of churches and believers to love our neighbours and honour our government by participating in preventative measures to the best of our ability. We wanted you to know that we as a church are committed to respecting government recommendations regarding how to best respond to Covid. Though the current threat in Winnipeg of contracting the virus is still low, preventative measures are meant to get out ahead of the spread of the virus, so there are a few simple measures we can start taking immediately at our Sunday services and other gatherings.
Some of the first simple steps we can take as a church are:
1. Eliminating certain things that clearly spread germs. This means:
- We will have no coffee and tea station on Sundays
- We will set up an offering table at the back rather than passing the plate around
- We will consider whether or not to take Lord’s Supper together when the time arises.
2. Certain mid-week events at the church may be cancelled. Check-in with the leader of your group for more info.
3. We encourage you to regularly wash your hands at church, particularly before and after times when you will be in contact with items such as nursery toys or kid's church handouts. We will work to increase opportunities for you to wash your hands at church. We will try and limit contact such as shaking hands. Head nods and waves will be given with the spirit of a handshake!
4. We would appreciate if you are unwell, that you choose not to join us. If those who are feeling particularly vulnerable choose not to join us for our worship service or other gatherings, we understand and request that you please let us know so that we can make sure we are able to care for you and pray for you while you are not gathering with us.
We will make sure to let you know if further measures need to be taken.
As with other events and situations which come in this world before Christ returns, we know that there can often be much anxiety and concern coming from our friends, neighbours, and the media. As a church, we want to act responsibly and wisely, for the love of our community and each-other. And then, as we act wisely, we can confidently entrust ourselves to the care of our Father in heaven, who sees the sparrow fall and clothes the flowers. Be in prayer for this world and each other, as we hope you always are. And when you pray, remember to praise our God for His control over all things, His care for His people, and His gift of the gospel of peace that we have through Jesus Christ’s death on the cross for us. Because of our sweet Saviour, we can have comfort, peace and hope in the face of the cares of this world. As our brother Paul the apostle says in Philippians, when we bring everything to God in prayer, both our requests and our thanksgiving, our hearts and minds are guarded by the peace of Jesus.
Philippians 4:5–7
Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Know that we are praying for you, our brothers and sisters.
On behalf of the elders at Park City,
Pastor Jordan