
James 1:19-27

#1 Hear the Life-Giving Word of Christ

#2 Receive the Life-Giving Word of Christ- through it, He gives freedom

#3. Be transformed by the Life-Giving Word of Christ

Questions for Discussion

  1. How does human anger change how we hear the Word of Christ?
  2. Why is putting away wickedness important for receiving the Word of Christ?
  3. What is the implanted Word?
  4. James tells us that salvation is more than just being forgiven.  What else is included in salvation?
  5. Why is the law of God called the "law of liberty?"  Why is it important to remember that Jesus saves us first and then leads us in obedience - why should we remember the order?
  6. What does James mean by "religion?"
  7. Jesus purchased a new life as God's children with His blood on the cross for all who trust in Him.  What are three areas of this life that James points out?