
Hebrews 5:1-10

Sermon Outline:

  1. Because your Mediator was appointed by God
  2. Because your Mediator knows what it is to obey and pray through suffering
  3. Because your Mediator's work was substitutionary

Family Discussion Questions:

Older and Younger:

  • Can each person pick their own way to God?
  • When you are suffering or having a hard time obeying God, what is important to remember about Jesus' life on earth that would help you to pray?
  • Jesus' life was certainly our example, but what would happen if He was only our example instead of also being our Substitute?

Deeper Discussion:

  • Since Christ never sinned, what is meant by the phrase "... He learned obedience through what He suffered?" and how is that meant to encourage us to pray knowing that He is our Mediator?
  • What is wrongly assumed about the default relationship between God and man which causes people to believe that we ought all to be able to approach God, or pick how we do it?  Which Scriptures would you use to correct that?
  • What is behind the modern impulse to see Christ as merely suffering like us instead of suffering for us?
  • How might you use this passage to share or explain both the necessity and the beauty of the Gospel with an unbelieving person in your life?  How would you use it to warn someone holding very loosely to the Gospel?  How would you use it to comfort a suffering believer?