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Hebrews 11:8-16

Sermon Outline:

  1. Faith makes you willing to walk away from God-denying joy
  2. Faith trusts that God will keep His promises
  3. Faith refuses to be satisfied with a world not fully redeemed by Christ
  4. God is unashamed to be called the God of those with faith in the Gospel of His Son

Family Discussion Questions:

Younger and Older:

  • What promise did God make to Abraham?
  • How do we know that Abraham trusted that promise?
  • What are some things that Jesus promised to do that He has already done?
  • What are some things that Jesus paid for on the cross but which we are patiently waiting to see happen?

Deeper Discussion:

  • Why would the land of Israel under the reigns of David and Solomon make Abraham rejoice, but not be fully satisfied?
  • In what ways were the saints of old able to see the Gospel from far off?
  • What implication does that have for those claiming to love the God of Abraham but do not (or no longer) confess faith in Christ?
  • How does the reference to the faith of Sarah, in the context of Genesis, help us understand the relationship between saving faith and doubt? 
  • In what ways might you be walking as someone whose citizenship is not in heaven?