Sermon Outline:
- What is the kingdom of heaven like?
- Who is this kingdom of heaven for?
- What kind of king reigns over the kingdom of heaven?
Family Discussion Questions:
Younger and Older:
What does it mean to be poor in spirit?
What kind of mourning and comfort is Jesus talking about?
What does it mean to be meek?
What do these beatitudes tell us about the kind of king Jesus is?
Deeper Discussion:
In what way do the beatitudes explain John and Jesus’ earlier proclamation to “repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand?”
Why might the Sermon on the Mount surprise or shock us? Is it because it contradicts what God has previously said?
Why do our priorities so often shift away from the qualities which Jesus calls blessed in the beatitudes?
What do the qualities that are mentioned in the beatitudes reveal to us about the gospel?
What do the beatitudes teach us about the nature of Jesus’ kingdom?