
First Samuel 13-15

Sermon Scripture:

First Samuel 13-15

Sermon Outline:

  1. The first messiah fails to keep the Word of the Lord
  2. The Lord's Word of Salvation triumphs in spite of the sinful first messiah
  3. The first messiah's unholy oath condemns his righteous son
  4. The first messiah fails to carry out the judgments of God's Word
  5. The true messiah would be a man of God's own choosing

Family Discussion Questions:

  1. When Saul considered how he might be most effective as the anointed redeemer of Israel, did he think it was with the Word of God or with the sword?
  2. Since Saul was the choice of Israel's hearts, what did his performance and failure say about them?
  3. Why would it be incredibly sinful to try to do what Saul was commanded to do to the Amalekites?
  4. What does the condemnation of all the Amalekites tell us about the universal condemnation of all people - not just those who do enough to go to jail?
  5. When did you begin to be guilty in God's eyes?
  6. How does the wickedness of our hearts highlight the incredible and undeserved love of God toward the church?
  7. How can this correct us whenever we realize that what we want from God is not what He wants to give us?
  8. Why can we be grateful that Jesus, the Son of David, was the Messiah God chose?