
Isaiah 54

Sermon Outline:

1. The House of the Servant’s Bride fills the earth with children born from above

2. The exile was the last time in which the Lord would cause Zion to taste the shame of forsakenness

3. The Bride’s house will be beautified, protected and led by the Servant

4. The House of the Servant’s Bride will not have enemies which could destroy her or her righteous heritage

Family Discussion Questions:

  1. If Zion was described as a barren woman, what explains all the children that were born to her?

  2. Where will the borders of Zion’s “tent” extend?

  3. What does chapter 53 tell us about why Zion does not have to fear being shamed by God?

  4. What is the responsibility of a Kinsman Redeemer, and how did Christ fulfill this?

  5. What does the rainbow teach us about the exile and whether the Church should fear it happening again?

  6. How should we feel about the materials the Lord uses to build this house for Zion?

  7. How should verse 13 shape how we live?

  8. Why should the church not be afraid of her enemies?

  9. What is the important connection between the heritage we receive from the Lord and the righteousness we receive from Him?