
John 12:27-36; Isaiah 9:1-7

At the turning point in Jesus' ministry, where He moves from demonstrating that He is the worthy sacrifice for sins to offering Himself as the sacrifice for sins, we get to overhear a conversation between Him and God the Father.  Jesus tells us that this conversation was overheard for our benefit.  
In this conversation between God the Father and God the Son, we hear that Jesus was horrified by the cross because it wasn't going to be an ordinary death, but He would bear the wrath of God for the sin of many.  

We also get to hear what it was that motivated Jesus to go to the cross that horrified Him, and we can see that Christ's motivation is the sustaining motivation for believers to endure in faith in Jesus even through suffering.  
Jesus was motivated by:
1. The joy of glorifying God,
2. The joy of evil's defeat,
3. The joy of sinners being reconciled to God as beloved children

Christ's suffering was temporary, but what was gained by it would remain forever.
Christ won salvation by enduring His suffering; we cling to the salvation that He won by holding on to faith in him through suffering.