
Exodus 15:22-16:36

Sermon Outline:

  1. The Lord has provided you with all that you've ever had
  2. Turn away from loving the gifts more than the Giver
  3. Rest in Christ, the true and greater Bread from Heaven

Discussion Question:

  • What was Israel's response when they were without water?
  • How does the fact that they had just been rescued through the Red Sea make their words more troubling?
  • What three extraordinary ways does this passage mention that God provided and sustained His people?
  • At the moments of redemption of God's people (from Egypt, Christ on the cross), God works miracles so that what can normally not be seen can be seen.  What did these miracles (water, health, food) tell Israel about who was ordinarily sustaining her?
  • What are the ordinary ways in which God sustains you that you are often aware of and thankful for?
  • What are the ordinary ways in which God sustains you that you are not likely to notice?
  • What did Jesus say was the difference between Him (the bread from heaven) and the manna which God sent? (John 6)
  • We can be benefit from many of the provisions God gives us without acknowledging our need of these things and without acknowledging God's provision.  Is this true with Christ and our need for salvation from sin?
  • Can you also see in your own heart the kind of sin where you think ill of God when you're in need rather than humbly asking Him to provide?
  • Can you also see in your own heart the tendency to long for the gifts God gives that won't last (money, health, food, etc.) more than you long for the gifts God gives that last forever?