
Philippians 2:9-11

Sermon Outline

  1. The glory the Father lavishes on the Son for taking the Cross
  2. The confession of the Gospel gives us humble joyful unity
  3. Test yourself to see if you trust in this Gospel
  4. The foolishness of acting as lord of the church
  5. The glory of sharing in Christ far outweighs any glory I can get for myself

Family Discussion Questions

Younger and Older:

  • Why did God the Father give Jesus so much glory?
  • When did Jesus get this glory?
  • Why would it be sad for us if Jesus wasn't placed on the throne in Heaven?
  • Since Jesus is the true ruler of the Church, why is it sinful for us to try to get our own way in the church?

Deeper Discussion:

  • It has been said that doctrine divides.  How does this passage respond to that foolish claim?
  • All peoples, both redeemed and damned, will bow before Christ when He returns.  How would envisioning this cause us to soberly repent of rivalry and conceit?
  • How does the promise of sharing in Christ's exaltation help you to accept being passed over instead of fighting to be considered?
  • How does it help your heart to trust and submit to Christ as Lord, knowing that He is being rewarded for willingly taking your damnation and death?