
1 Timothy 3, selected scriptures

Sermon Outline:

  1. The Church is the Adopted Household of God
  2. A Church Gathers as One Body in the Name of the Lord
  3. The Head of the Church Serves up the Ways Which the Word of Christ will Dwell Richly in Her

Family Discussion Questions:

  1. Christians are always part of God's family, but are we always gathered in His name?
  2. What, other than our submission to Him, does it mean for Christ to be the Head of the Church?
  3. What kind of freedoms do you have when leading your own family what you don't have when leading a church?
  4. How does Christ's design of the church protect the saints from being shaped into the image and personality of the pastor?
  5. What does our (glad) submission or lack thereof to the design of the worship service say about how much we trust that Christ Himself builds the church with the Gospel?
  6. What are the "menu items" which Christ commands leaders (and the rest of the church) serve to His dear people?
  7. Why is it a benefit when we gather to participate in things which God has promised to use rather than things that may or may not be helpful?
  8. How does the regulative principle (we do only what God commands in the worship service) prevent a church from becoming "niche" and targeting certain people and needlessly alienating others?
  9. Why would two churches on opposite sides of the world still look and sound different even though they both faithfully hold to the pattern Christ established for the church?