
1 Chronicles 27 and 1 Peter 2-5

Sermon Outline:

  1. Authority is part of God’s design to demonstrate and enjoy His character
  2. God divided human authority into different institutions
  3. Human hearts will be prone to deny God’s design for authority
  4. Christ, the final Davidic Messiah fulfills the responsibilities of every institution

Family Discussion Questions:

  1. What kinds of leaders did David set up for Israel in Chapter 27?
  2. What part of God’s character does the design for human authority demonstrate?
  3. What human institutions of authority did God institute?
  4. Why is the common “obey unless commanded to do what God forbids or forbidden to do what God commands” insufficient?
  5. What are some ways that the authority of church and government get confused?
  6. What are some ways that the authority of church and family commonly get confused?
  7. What are some ways that the authority of family and government get confused?
  8. Why does this take great wisdom and patience?
  9. How does Christ fulfill the role of Father, Lord, King, and Husband?