

Complementary Old Testament Passage:
Isaiah 43:1-15

Sermon Outline:

  1. Faith Flowers into Fellowship
  2. Christ compels us to obey
  3. As you have received, so share

Family Discussion Questions

  1. Who was Philemon and how did he know Paul?
  2. Who was Onesimus and how did he know Paul?
  3. What changes in a person when they trust in Jesus?
  4. Which authorities has God placed in our lives?
  5. What is the best reason to obey God’s commands?
  6. What was Paul asking Philemon to do?
  7. What are things which we ought to do even if no person requires us to do them?
  8. Does simply obeying the laws of the government mean that we have pleased God?
  9. How should this book shape how we respond to counsel and correction from our fellow Christians?
  10. How can we speak of the need to be transformed without thinking that we are saved by transformation?