Complementary New Testament Passage:
Mark 4:35-41
Sermon Outline:
1. Send to Preach to Enemies
2. Found by the Judgement of God
3. The Sea of God's wrath satisfied by one man
Family Discussion Questions:
- Where did God tell Jonah to go?
- Why did Jonah not want to do that?
- What did Jonah try to do instead?
- What happened to the storm when Jonah was thrown into the sea?
- How is Jonah different from Jesus?
- How is Jonah similar to Jesus?
- What evidence in the Bible is there that the account of Jonah is historical?
- How does Jonah’s sleep serve as a warning to us?
- How does Christ’s sleep serve as a comfort to us?
- What can we learn from this account of pagans correcting a member of the covenant?
- What do the raging sea and the description of Nineveh’s wickedness teach us about God’s wrath?
- How is the story of Jonah a dark background which highlights the glory of Christ’s willingness to come to earth to rescue us?
- Why will God not merely forget about sins but requires the cross for our salvation?
- How does this story parallel the first half of the Philippians 2 Gospel (Philippians 2:5-11)?