
Matthew 13:44-46

Complementary Old Testament Passage:

Isaiah 55

Sermon Title:

Kingdom Treasure

Sermon Outline:

1.What is the kingdom of heaven?

2. Why use parables?

3. The parable of the hidden treasure (v 44)

4. The parable of the pearl of great value (vv 45-46)

Family Discussion Questions:

1. What do you picture when you hear the phrase, "kingdom of heaven"?

2. Based on the book of Matthew, how would you describe what the kingdom of heaven is?

3. Why does Jesus work so hard to describe the kingdom of heaven?

4. What is a parable?

5. Why are parables an important part of Jesus' teaching?

6. If you're being honest, do you always live as if Jesus is a great treasure?

7. How does it feel to be considered a treasure to Jesus? 

8. What does it look like to treat other believers like treasure?

9. What would it look like to seek more treasure on the King's behalf?