Complementary New Testament Passage:
Revelation 9:1-12
Sermon Title:
Locusts, Loud Trumpets, Lament, and the Lord’s Day
Sermon Outline:
- The Destruction of the Curse of Sin
- Lament toward God
- The Day of the Lord is Near
- How to Return to the Lord
Family Discussion Questions:
- What terrible thing happened to the land of Israel that Joel tells us about?
- What parts of life were affected by the locusts?
- Why did God call Israel his land?
- Sin affects everything, but what is the worst affect of sin?
- Why should we be sad about sin?
- How does the locust plague teach us about the second coming of Jesus?
- What does it mean to return to God with all your heart?
- What is the reason we can be hopeful about returning to the Lord?
- For who’s sake will the Lord save his people? What does that mean?
- How does this impact how we think of disasters (both natural and man-made)?
- What people are inclined not to think about the return of the Lord?
- What does this teach us about the Gospel?