
Joel 1:1 - 2:17

Complementary New Testament Passage:
Revelation 9:1-12

Sermon Title:
Locusts, Loud Trumpets, Lament, and the Lord’s Day

Sermon Outline:

  1. The Destruction of the Curse of Sin
  2. Lament toward God
  3. The Day of the Lord is Near
  4. How to Return to the Lord

Family Discussion Questions:

  1. What terrible thing happened to the land of Israel that Joel tells us about?
  2. What parts of life were affected by the locusts?
  3. Why did God call Israel his land?
  4. Sin affects everything, but what is the worst affect of sin?
  5. Why should we be sad about sin?
  6. How does the locust plague teach us about the second coming of Jesus?
  7. What does it mean to return to God with all your heart?
  8. What is the reason we can be hopeful about returning to the Lord?
  9. For who’s sake will the Lord save his people? What does that mean?
  10. How does this impact how we think of disasters (both natural and man-made)?
  11. What people are inclined not to think about the return of the Lord?
  12. What does this teach us about the Gospel?