
Joel 2:18-3:21

Sermon Outline:

1. The Lord had pity for the cursed
2. God will pour His Spirit on all flesh
3. The Whole Earth will Face God

Family Discussion Questions:

  1. What bad thing had just happened to God’s people before Joel gave them this message?
  2. Why did God show them mercy?
  3. What does this part of the Bible tell us that the new earth will be like?
  4. After Jesus came, did you have to join a special country to belong to God?
  5. What special thing did God do after Jesus rose to show that people from any nation could be one of God’s people?
  6. What work does the Holy Spirit do in the hearts of those who trust in Jesus?
  7. What will God do to the people who ignore him or harmed his people?
  8. This passage confirms that even though all people can be saved, that salvation comes from Zion - what does that mean?
  9. What is signified by the sweet wine, the milk, and the water flowing from Zion?
  10. What does verse 21 tell us about vengeance?
  11. What is the difference between a gift God promises to bring and the sign of that gift?
  12. What do these verses tell us about those who might try to avoid dealing with God?
  13. What do these verses tell those who have faith in Christ, but feel that God is not near them?