Complementary New Testament Passage:
Revelation 11:15-19
Sermon Outline:
- Despising God’s people will bring Edom low
- How Edom despised God’s people
- The day of the Lord is near on all the nations
Family Discussion Questions:
- Which man did the people of Edom come from?
- Who was Esau’s brother?
- When Israel was being attacked, what did Edom do?
- What did Edom boast in?
- What does the Day of the Lord mean? What are some examples of the Day of the Lord in Bible history?
- When was the Day of the Lord for Christians?
- What does this book of the Bible tell us about how God will judge the Nations?
- What are things that nations take pride and confidence in, and what does God do with those things?
- Did Jerusalem deserve its punishment?
- What promise is here for the church?
- How should this book shape our evangelism?