

Complementary New Testament Passage:
Revelation 11:15-19

Sermon Outline:

  1. Despising God’s people will bring Edom low
  2. How Edom despised God’s people
  3. The day of the Lord is near on all the nations

Family Discussion Questions:

  1. Which man did the people of Edom come from?
  2. Who was Esau’s brother?
  3. When Israel was being attacked, what did Edom do?
  4. What did Edom boast in?
  5. What does the Day of the Lord mean? What are some examples of the Day of the Lord in Bible history?
  6. When was the Day of the Lord for Christians?
  7. What does this book of the Bible tell us about how God will judge the Nations?
  8. What are things that nations take pride and confidence in, and what does God do with those things?
  9. Did Jerusalem deserve its punishment?
  10. What promise is here for the church?
  11. How should this book shape our evangelism?