
Mark 1:16-20

Sermon Outline

  • Jesus begins to His ministry by calling His apostles
  • Jesus’ call: Follow me and I will make you become fishers of men
  • The apostles were willing to lay down everything to follow after Jesus 

Family Discussion Questions

  1. How does the purpose of the Gospel of Mark, as well as the place of this story in the book, help us to understand this story’s meaning?
  2. The fishermen we meet here are men who will all be appointed as apostles in the church. How does the title “fishers of men” relate to that office?
  3. Why is it important that Jesus Himself will make them become fishers of men?
  4. What does this passage tell us about Jesus and His kingdom?
  5. Why might Jesus have called Galilean fishermen to this office?
  6. Why is it important that disciples left their work and even their father to follow Jesus? Does this mean everyone who believes in Jesus should leave their job and their family? 
  7. What valuable things does this passage teach us about the church as a whole?
  8. What reasons can you take from this passage why it is good to trust in Jesus?
  9. What reasons can you take from this passage why it is good to share the gospel?