
Psalm 110

Complimentary New Testament Reading:

Acts 1:6-11

Sermon Outline:

  1. Christ ascended to heaven with his human body and human soul
  2. Jesus reigns now for God’s glory and the good of the church
  3. Jesus serves as your priest in heaven now
  4. From Heaven Christ will come to judge the nations
  5. Christ will not relent


Family Discussion Questions: 

  1. Where did the disciples see Jesus go?
  2. What did the angels tell them as they kept looking up?
  3. What is Jesus doing in heaven right now?
  4. What will Jesus do when he comes back?
  5. What did a priest have to do before he went into the holiest place in the temple?
  6. What did the priest wear when he went into the holiest place of the temple?
  7. What did the priest do when he went into the holiest place of the temple?
  8. In what ways is Jesus reigning right now? How can that encourage and warn us?
  9. In what ways is Jesus acting as our priest right now? How can that encourage and warn us?
  10. Why do you think people have a hard time seeing Jesus as a vengeful judge?
  11. What will be the difference between Christ’s reign right now and his reign when he returns?
  12. Why should Jesus’ perseverance be a warning to his enemies?
  13. How is Jesus’ perseverance an encouragement to his people?
  14. Why is it important to hold BOTH the truth of the sovereignty of God AND the truth that those who are saved are not saved against their will?
  15. How do Christians show that they agree and are glad that Jesus reigns right now?