
Luke 24:33-49; Mark 16:12-18

Complimentary Old Testament Passage:

Isaiah 49:1-7


Sermon Outline:

1. The Gospel was testified by the Prophets and Apostles
2. The Gospel is the repentance and forgiveness of sins in Jesus’ Name
3. The Spirit of God will make sure the Gospel is successfully delivered to all nations

Family Discussion Questions:

1. What did Jesus do to prove that he was really alive?
2. Whose punishment did Jesus get on the cross?
3. Why was Jesus able to rise from the dead?
4. What does it mean that your sins are forgiven?
5. What does it mean to repent of sins?
6. Where did God promise that the Gospel will be preached?
7. Who did God promise would help the church to preach and believe the Gospel?
8. What are the qualifications of an Apostle?
9. What are the wonderful results of knowing that the Apostles all lived during Jesus’ lifetime?
10. Why should repentance be seen as a wonderful gift of God?
11. Jesus said that repentance and forgiveness of sins would be proclaimed in His name. What does this mean and what are the results of this?
12. How does the promise of the Gospel being for all nations help to humble us?
13. What difference does the need for and promise of the Holy Spirit make?