Sermon Outline:
- The Messiah came to unstop deaf ears
- The Messiah came to release chained tongues
- The new creation comes by the mouth and hand of God
Family Discussion Questions:
- Where was Jesus when this event happened?
- What was the problem this man faced?
- How did Jesus heal this man? Did He need to do it this odd way?
- How did the people respond when Jesus told them not to speak of these things?
- How is the healing of the deaf a parable of the work of the Gospel?
- How is the healing of muteness a parable of the work of the Gospel?
- How is this event referring back to Genesis?
- How is this event referring back to Isaiah 35?
- What changes happen to your ears if you are a Christian? Does this mean we will not need to work on this?
- What changes happen to your tongue if you are a Christian? Does this mean we will not need to work on this?