
Colossians 1:15-17

Sermon Outline:

1. Jesus is the image of the invisible God
2. Jesus is the rightful heir of all creation
3. All things were made by Jesus
4. All things were made for Jesus
5. Jesus holds all things together

Family Discussion Questions:

1.What does it mean that God is invisible?
2. In the Bible “firstborn” doesn’t just mean “oldest” - what else does it mean?
3. What are some invisible things Jesus made?
4. Is there anything that is made that was not made by Jesus?
5. What are the implications of the fact that all things were made for Jesus?
6. What are some ways that the world ignores that all things were made by and for Jesus?
7. Why is it good to remember that Jesus didnt just make all things but that he continues to hold all things together?
8. How does this passage protect us from people who tell us that Jesus and His Word are not enough to really know God well?
9. How does this passage protect us from agreeing with what other authorities tell us is good and evil?
10. How can be be both satisfied in Christ and desiring and striving to know Him more?