Complementary Old Testament Passage:
Proverbs 16
Sermon Outline:
- Use time wisely with those outside the family of God
- Your words must always have the intention of blessing others
- Be ready to respond to every person
Family Discussion Questions:
- Who does the Bible say are in God’s family?
- Are people who are in God’s family better than other people?
- Why should we be kind to all people, not just Christians?
- We do not have forever to become Christians. When will that end?
- What is the reason why everyone should trust in Jesus?
- What are things which God would agree would be stumbling blocks for sharing about Christ?
- Why should our lives be lived with a sense of urgency?
- Compare being “gracious” according to God, versus in the eyes of others.
- How could being ungracious lead us to being unable to give an answer to people?
- While the Gospel never changes, each person is unique and will require thoughtfulness in our responses. Give examples, and explain why.
- How does chapter 3 explain what it means to walk with wisdom? How could a rejection of Chapter 3 lead to unnecessary stumbling blocks for unbelievers?