Family Discussion Questions:
- Who should we pray to?
- What are things that we can thank God for when we pray?
- Who can you pray for that they would trust in Jesus?
- Who can you pray for that God would help them tell people about Jesus?
- What does it mean to be steadfast in prayer?
- Why does prayer require perseverance?
- How is thankful prayer a “watchful” thing?
- What are some misunderstandings of the phrase, “open a door” for the Gospel?
- What is a faithful understanding of why we pray that God would open a door for the Gospel?
- Given that the Gospel of Christ is revealed in the Old Testament and that many people believed in it before he came, why is it called a mystery?
- Verse 4 tells us the true task of evangelism for the believer - which is to make the Gospel clear. Why would we need prayer in order to do this?
- Paul notes that he is in prison for the Gospel. Given this, is Paul’s prayer request surprising?
- What does it teach us about a life which pleases the Lord?
- After speaking about the “ordinary” life which God considers true worship, how does this emphasis on prayer serve as a reminder that the Christian life is also very supernatural?