
Colossians 1:24-29

Sermon Outline:

  1. Christ made sure that the Word of God would be complete when the church was established
  2. The Word of God is made complete with Christ in us, the hope of glory
  3. Presenting the church mature in Christ by proclaiming Christ

Family Discussion Questions:

  1. How did Jesus suffer for the church?
  2. How did the Apostles suffer to get the Gospel to the church and world?
  3. How did the Old Testament promise Jesus?
  4. What is the main thing the Church is supposed to do?
  5. Why should the church teach only things about God that are in the Bible?
  6. Why would nothing need to be added to the Bible now?
  7. What is the danger in using different methods than what the Bible gives?
  8. What is the danger in seeking a different goal for ministry than the Bible gives?
  9. Why does Paul say “Christ in you” instead of what he would normally say, “The Holy Spirit in you?”
  10. Why would Paul connect the word “hope” when he speaks of glory? What does this protect us from?
  11. What does it mean to be mature in Christ?
  12. What are some different (false) goals of ministry?
  13. What were the requirements to be called an Apostle and why can there be none now?
  14. What are some of the riches of the glory of Christ that the church now shares? Will share?