
Colossians 1:18-20

Sermon Outline:

1. Jesus is the only head of the church, his body
2. Jesus is the firstborn from the dead
3. In Christ is the fulness of God
4. Christ reconciles all things to himself by the blood of his cross

Family Discussion Questions:

1. Who is the head of the church?
2. Why is it good that God says the church is the body of Jesus?
3. Is Jesus only part of God, or is the whole of God in Jesus?
4. What does it mean to be reconciled with God?
5. What would happen to us if Jesus did not reconcile us to God?
6. How did Jesus reconcile the church with his blood on the cross?
7. What are ways that people treat someone (or more than one person) other than Jesus as the head of the church?
8. How is the doctrine of union with Christ expressed in marriage?
9. How can Paul say that through Christ all things are reconciled to God when there will be many demons and people in hell?
10. Why is it important to note that that God is the one who makes peace with us not the other way around?
11. How is the fact that Christ made peace “by the blood of his cross” often ignored and rejected in Christianity today?
12. How is Christ the firstborn form the dead when there were people raised from the dead before he was?
13. How does this part of the Bible guard us from following people who say that there is more to know about God than can be found in Christ and his Word?
14. Why is being reconciled to God the sweetest thing in all creation?