
Colossians 1:21-23

Complementary Old Testament Reading:

Psalm 84

Sermon outline:

1. Apart from Christ all humans are in a state of war with God
2. Christ has reconciled the church in his body by his death
3. Reconciliation to God is only for those who faith remains in the one unchanging Gospel

Family Discussion Questions:

1. Are people born as God’s children or his enemies?
2. How do people show that they are God’s enemies?
3. What did Jesus do for us so that we could no longer be God’s enemies?
4. What is the Gospel of Jesus?
5. Are there more than one true Gospels?
6. Will a person who really trusts in Jesus ever stop trusting in Him?
7. How does a person and a church help people to keep trusting in Jesus?
8. How does the sin of Adam affect his offspring?
9. What does this passage say was the purpose of Christ reconciling us to God?
10. What approach to studying and discipleship does Scripture prescribe for stability and steadfastness?
11. What would you say to a person who says that they want to avoid deeper study into the scripture because they want to have “child-like faith”?
12. What does catholic mean?
13. How does this passage protect the church from ideas about the Gospel that are new in Church history?
14. How should the stability of the Gospel be soothing to our souls?
15. How should the truth that Christ has reconciled us to God impact our hearts? Our behaviour?